
Sunday, March 23, 2014

Marine Base (Boracay de Cavite) Beach

Ahh! It's summer time again and I miss this place. I can't wait till I get back to its amazing beach.

Marine Base during the summer times of 2013 - Photo by Lester Abenoja

The first time I came here was Doom's Day (December 21, 2012). What a day for a ride! Well, obviously doom's day didn't happen but I guess it did for my leg and thigh muscles.

But that was the very first time I've seen the place. And yes! The only thing I can recall is how gorgeous it was. The white-ashy color of its sands, which almost looks like the fine white sands of Boracay, reflects the heat of the cold sun as the waves on the beach gently sweeps the shore and bumps the heights of the headland.

It's quite far for a beginner and a first timer for long rides. My brother took me there for two reasons. One is to take me for a tour and second is to train me for our Oriental Mindoro Tour (Southern Tagalog Island). The thing about my brother is that he never tells you what you are about to go through. He'd often lie about things and surprise you until the end of the day. He'd lie about how far it is still or how long does it really take to get to a certain point. But that's how I got trained -- not wanting to know what's to happen, just ride and learn.

From Pala-pala, Dasmariñas to Marine Base, Ternate -- that's at least eighty kilometers of pedal power, back and forth, or what we normally refer to as Padyak(Pedal)-All-The-Way a.k.a. PATW. We used the route passing through Trece Martires and Naic, then entering the arc of Ternate, Cavite. A few more kilometers and you shall enter the gates of Mount Palay-Palay. It's the same mountain where the famous Pico de Loro (Parrot's Beak) is. There's not really a 'gate' on the entry point to Mount Palay-Palay, but its 'magnetic hill' effect and the slope of the mountain entrance seems like it doesn't want you pedaling all the way up there. I think some people would call it The Mountain's Killer Gate.

Ternate - Mount Palay-Palay 'The Mountain's Killer Gate'

Once you've conquered the first gate or the first segment, there's around 10 kilometers more of up and down road wrestle until you pass by the DENR station (where hikers register to climb Pico de Loro) and a few more stretch to reach the gate of the Marine's Base or simply Marine Base.

Magnetic Hill

The Philippine marines are cozy people. They will give you a friendly welcome. Though, you need to pay a hundred Pesos (P100.oo) per person as entrance fee. On the way down to the beach is a long stretch of paved road where you can roll your wheels until you reach the barracks and alas! the beach gates. Taking photos and videos of marines are not allowed so keep you cameras down and only use to capture the magnificent view plus an odd selfie.

The Marine Base (Ternate, Cavite) - Gate area

That day wasn't a very lucky day for swimming. The truth is, we asked the officer on duty if we can just pass by and take a look so that we wouldn't need to pay the entrance fee because we didn't plan on swimming, anyway. And he allowed us to take a peek for 30 minutes. Thirty minutes! That's all. It was a shame because when we saw the beach, we wanted to soak ourselves so bad. There weren't a lot of people that day but only a few chicks plus us staring at their skinny bodies. But a deal was a deal and we needed to return immediately back to the gate. Funny thing is, I was already too exhausted to haul up myself back to the entrance so it took us more than 30 minutes to return. Though, that was fine for Mr. Officer.

Marine Base Beach Area (Ternate Cavite)

Going back home was always the toughest. As if you don't have enough energy anymore to complete the course, and also considering that Naic to Dasmariñas is a gentle but long uphill ride. All that's left with you is will power and the strong determination to get home soon and lie down on the couch, take a quick shower, have a heavy dinner, and then finally relax.

It was one of my most memorable rides. Yes, I wasn't able to go swimming that day but when summer vacation arrived, we took the whole family there and did our payback to that wonderful beach. Actually, before that, my cousin and my brother also went biking there and did what we weren't able to do back then. They went swimming! What as**oles they were leaving me behind on that adventure.

After that ride, I'd say I leveled up. The Mindoro Tour that came after that ride a few weeks forward wasn't as bad as I expected it to be. Though my heels got swollen due to the wrong height of the seat post. Other than that, my pedal power got really better. The Marine Base ride was a fit training for longer and tougher rides like our 3 day tour to Mindoro. I'm hoping to be back here this summer. Really! Hopefully!

Other Pictures

at the Killer Gate
at the Marine Base entrance
at the beach area

watch tower

small hut - resting place

the marine wall


View of the marine base beach from uphill

the sands of Boracay de Cavite

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